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Where can I find good sources for researching business marketing?

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Articles & Databases

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Recommended Databases

💻 Business Source Premier (EBSCO)

"Includes more than 1,100 active full-text journals and magazines, 660 active full-text peer-reviewed journals, nearly 300 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo, and more than 550 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. Included subjects are: accounting, finance, economics, marketing, management, management information systems, and operations management" (EBSCO 2019). Includes Regional Business News, video content from the Associated Press, and MarketLine Company Profiles.

💡 Business Source Premier Help Guide


💻 Gale Business: Insights (Gale)

"Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more. Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more. Browse subjects to access the most relevant articles and publications for your research topic. Explore over 1,057 industries with industry reports, competitive landscapes, Plunkett Reports, case studies and more. Explore countries and territories by their top industries and the companies based there, along with relevant articles like news, magazine articles, and more” (Gale 2023).


💻 Statista

" is one of the first statistical portals in the world to integrate data on over 80.000 topics from over 22,500 sources onto a single professional platform. Categorized into 21 market sectors, provides companies, business customers, research institutions, and the academic community with direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets" (

💡 Statista Help Guide


⚠️ Don't forget to properly cite your sources! Check out our citation guides for APA, MLA, Chicago and CSE.


Finding Stats & Financials

One of the first places to look for market statistics is Statista, linked and described above. Statista provides all kinds of data that can be helpful in your research on markets, trends, social aspects, and more. 

Below are several other websites, not affiliated with the HJF Library, that can be useful. ⚠️ You are always responsible for evaluating your own sources, including websites. If you're not sure, check out our Help Guide on Evaluating Sources. 


🌐 Business Patters

"These data include counts of establishments by the employment size of the establishment" for the U.S., states, metropolitan areas, micropolitan areas, counties, and zip codes.


🌐 Survey of Business Owners

Provides "information about characteristics of... businesses and their owners."


🌐 Business Ready (B-Ready)

"Business Ready (B-READY) is the World Bank’s new flagship report benchmarking the business environment and investment climate in most economies worldwide. The report assesses the regulatory framework and public services directed at firms, and the efficiency with which regulatory framework and public services are combined in practice."


🌐 Bizstats

Provides financial benchmark and profitability for numerous industries, with emphasis on small business.


🌐 Quarterly Financial Report (Census Bureau)

Estimates of industry financials, including selected financial and operating rations (i.e. ROA, ROE). Data for 34, primarily manufacturing, industries.


Finding Company & Industry Information

If you are researching the company, ALWAYS go to the company's website. You can information on the company's brands, financials, company reports, company history, and more! 

Once again, the HJF Databases can be one of the best places to go to find this information. EBSCO's Business Source Premier offers company profiles provided via MarketLine Reports. MarketLine Reports provide key company details including history, key employees, major products and services, SWOT Analysis, their top competitors, locations and subsidiaries, and more. You can also search by NAICS/Industry Code to get vital information on specific industries. Make sure to check out our Help Guide on Using Business Source Premier.


Additional Websites (Not Affiliated with the HJF Library)


Publicly-held companies file with regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. EDGAR is SEC's site. The reports are also made available through other channels, such as from the company's own website.


🌐 IHS GlobalSpec

A directory of suppliers, including information on their products. Free registration.


🌐 IQS Directory

Includes information on manufacturers, suppliers, and distributers. It allows for searching by product or by company.


Finding Business News

The HJF Library has a lot of business news resources available. Below is a list of them. You can also search Google for alternative sources, but you are responsible for evaluating those for credibility, so make sure to use our Help Guide on Source Evaluation.


📰 Wall Street Journal

The HJF Library provides full access to the Wall Street Journal online including PDFs of the current print editions, all WSJ blogs, and the WSJ mobile apps. This link will take you to the FAQ page on how to set up your individual WSJ account.


📰 New York Times

The HJF Library provides full access to the New York Times online including PDFs of the most recent print issues, full online access to the website and blogs, and full access to the mobile apps. This link takes you to the FAQ on how to sign up for your individual account through the library.


Other Journals, Magazines & News Sources

📰 Advertising Age

📰 Adweek

📰 Bloomberg Businessweek

📰 Fast Company

📰 Fortune

📰 Harvard Business Review


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