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How do I search for a book in the library's catalog?

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To search for a book in the library's catalog, follow the directions below. This method works for DVDs as well.

  1. Enter the title of the book you are looking for or any other keyword or author information you have using our Discovery Search on the library's homepage. We recommend putting quotes " " around the phrase to limit search results.
  2. After clicking "Search" or hitting the Enter key, your search will be submitted and you will any results that came up for the book. If you find that you have too many results, use the limiters on the left side of the screen to narrow your results. If you do not get any results, check your spelling and eliminate any punctuation in your search. If that does not improve the search results, it is likely we do not have that book and you will have to interlibrary loan it. 
  3. Once you found the book you are looking for, you can see if the book is currently checked out, where it is in the building, and the call number of the book.
  4. Click on the book to open up the detailed record. From here you can make sure you have the right edition, see alternative editions including ebooks, and place a hold on the book so you can pick it up later.

If you have any questions please contact a librarian.