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What are the best sources for doing research on education and/or teaching?

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💡 Make Sure to Review the HJF Research Guides. This will get you started in using the HJF resources, basic research skills, and some more advanced tips & tricks that will save you time and make your research more effective.

Education and teaching are incredibly large and complex topics. Please use the guide linked above to learn how to narrow your topics. This FAQ entry will provide general information for topics that are found UNDER education and teaching, but we do not focus on these individual smaller topics.


Articles & Databases

💻 See All Databases on Education & Teaching

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Recommended Databases

There are two main databases that focus on the fields and professions of education and teaching.

💻 Education Research Complete (EBSCO)

“Education Research Complete is the definitive online resource for education research. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. Education Research Complete provides indexing and abstracts for more than 2,400 journals, as well as full-text for more than 1,300 journals and 530+ books and monographs” (EBSCO 2019).

💡 Guide on Education Research Complete (EBSCO)



"ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds. It includes more than 1.6 million records, links to nearly 750,000 full-text documents, coverage dating back to 1966, and an education-specific thesaurus containing over 11,700 terms" (EBSCOhost 2019).

💡 Guide on ERIC (EBSCO)


Education Journals

The following list of journal titles the HJF provides access to is not exhaustive and can change at any time based on subscription status with individual databases or journals. To find out if the HJF has access to a specific journal title, use the Full Text Finder and search for the journal's name.

Suggested Journal Titles

The HJF also has numerous journals that came through our many databases. Using subject terms, we have provided a short list of possible subjects that will produce results for journal titles in those areas. ⚠️ Remember, there are many more than what will show up here in these searches. Make sure to check subject headings for each journal you go into. If you're not sure what subject terms/headings are, please review the HJF Help Guides on subject terms.

Suggested Subject Terms


Books & eBooks

The HJF has a large selection of books & eBooks regarding this topic. A list of subject terms that may be helpful have been selected and linked below. This is NOT an exhaustive list of subject terms, so please review the subject terms given for the different titles you may select to find other books/eBooks regarding the same topics. Need help with subject terms? Check out our section in the help guides. Or if you'd like help with searching the HJF Discovery, check this help guide out.

Suggested Subject Terms


Additional Resources

The following list are some help guides and other FAQs that are often found helpful to those researching areas of education & teaching.