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What happens when a book/DVD is overdue or lost?

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We've done our best to eliminate unnecessary fines; however, we also realize that some items need to be returned by a certain date so others can access them for classes and assignments. Below is the official fines policy regarding overdue and lost items, but we encourage you to come talk to a librarian if you find yourself faced with a fine or lost item. At the end of the day, we want the item back most of all.

  • After 7 days past due the patron will receive an email overdue notice.
  • After 14 days past due the patron will receive an email overdue notice.
  • After 21 days past due the patron will receive an email & paper overdue notice.
  • After 30 days past due the patron will receive a bill for a $5.00 late fee per overdue item.
  • After 60 days past due the item is marked as “lost”, and the patron will receive a bill for the entire cost of ordering an identical new item plus a $5.00 processing fee. If the item is no longer available for purchase, the patron will be billed $40.00 plus a $5.00 processing fee. The overdue item can still be returned and the patron will only need to pay the $5.00 overdue fee.
  • After 90 days past due the “lost” item is removed from the catalog, and the patron is required to pay the full replacement cost plus a $5.00 processing fee per item. The library will not accept the item back at this time. If the item is no longer available for purchase, the patron will be billed $40.00 plus a $5.00 processing fee. The patron will not receive notification of this process as they have already been billed accordingly.

Exceptions for interlibrary loan items. We do not set the due dates on interlibrary loan (ILL) items - the library we borrowed it from on your behalf sets those due dates and the fines issued when they are overdue or lost. If you need to renew an ILL, please make sure to contact us before the item is due as it make take several days to get it resolved. If we cannot renew it for you, we will attempt to borrow another copy for you so you can continue using it. The sooner you notify us of your desire to renew the item, the sooner we can make sure your replacement copy has arrived before your current copy comes due.