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Where can I find company information and company profiles?

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Company information can be scattered in a couple of different spots depending on the company, whether it is public or private, what country it is in, and how big it is. Some good initial places to start are:

  1. The company's website under the About page or some other such named page.
  2. EBSCOhost Business Source Premier provides thousands of company profiles via MarketLine, industry reports, ticker search and information, and industry journals. You can get help using the database, including how to find company reports, using our dedicated help guide.
  3. The Wall Street Journal which every student, faculty and staff person has access to via the HJF Library. Sign up for an account here.

For more resources from the HJF Library and other sources, check out our database list for business. Remember, if you run into issues to ask a librarian. We're happy to help!